you know how you sit around with your friends and dream up some awesome, ironic idea that you're sure no one else has had and you all get into character and screw around for awhile with silly voices and dances and maybe you even bust out some costumes. then you're all, "duuuude, we should totally record this shit!" and everyone agrees that you could make a killing selling your raver version of lambchop and friends. then you probably pass out and forget all about it. well victor solomon is the friend that actually writes that shit down, shoots and directs it while you're busy ordering another pizza.
the valentine sainsbury series is probably my favorite. featuring victor himself as 80s-inspired charlie-rose style talk-show host, valentine sainsbury, various "intellectuals" muse on their work and the state of the arts with ironically upturned noses. these shorts are a good example of victor's style-- dry, mocking, and hilarious. his most recent project, life of leopold, is a mockumentary peek into the world of LOLcats. plus cat puppets!!!!! april also just told me that she plays a big role in the movie, as beatrice, leopold's assistant! life of leopold premieres this sunday, september 12th at viz cinema, the new underground theater in japantown's new people shopping/art/entertainment destination.
check out victor's website for more of his work; his collection of vanity license plates (NO H8TN, DOGS RLE, etc.); his podcast radio show; and uplifting ghetto e-greeting card.
Name: victor solomon
Age: 29
Hometown: San Francisco by way of Boston.
Where are you right now? I’m in my office. It’s 2am and I want to go to bed.
What do you do? Film-maker, anecdotalist, silly-idea-haver.
Where are you going? Somewhere good I hope!
What will you be doing when you get there? Making new things every day.
How did you decide to go in this direction? Because everything else is boring!
Do you have any expectations? I generally don’t have expectations, but am simultaneously completely unaware of failure. I’m almost always in a perfectly ignorant state of forward momentum because I don’t care much how things turn out.
Are you excited? Nervous? Terrified? Thrilled? The first one and the last one.
What are you looking forward to? I’m looking forward to finding financing for my projects so I can shoot every day.
What are you scared of? I have a phobia of bridges and vomiting.
What happens if it doesn’t work out? What?
What is the worst thing that could happen? That nothing happens.
What is the best thing that could happen? That everything happens!
Did you ever think you’d be where you are now? It never occurred to me. “where you are” only exists to me in retrospect. I can look back and say, “hey, look where I was”, but I never think of it in the present.
Have you ever felt like this before? This tired? Often.
What are you leaving behind? Nothing I regret.
What will you miss? Nothing I’ll miss.
What did your friends say when you told them? Only the best things.
that was fun and inspiring!
haha! his videos are great! thanks for posting this.
- Matea
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