HOT DOGS at bark near olivia's! veggie dog w/salt & pepper fries, slaw dog, classic dog, root beer, off-the-hook onion rings!!! don't even get me STARTED on the food out here!!!!
AREPAS at caracas! too much to go into detail here, but just check out the looks on everyone's faces and you'll know it was fucking good!
BRUNCH at diner w/strawberry + ricotta buttermilk pancakes, biscuit w/sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, and dandelion greens, grapefruit juice + orange juice + coffee. cool old reclaimed diner at the base of the williamsburg bridge!
ICECREAM trucks mr. softee and van leeuwen, SALAD at fiat cafe (cheap and delicious!) and the ritual stop at momofuku milk bar for compost COOKIE and a tasting of their crack PIE (i wasn't that cracked out, to be honest!)
DUMPLINGS from vanessa's and north dumpling
brunch PIZZA w/eggs, basil + fior di latte and bloody marys at motorino!
GELATO at il laboratorio del gelato on the lower east side- thai chili chocolate, strawberry, and honey lavender!
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