the other day, my grandma and i made a bunch of pompoms for my brother's new kitten. her ancient yarn collection is just begging to be used, so today dorothy and i made a few more pom poms and some friendship bracelets...
we then proceeded to make the world's largest pom pom......which as, as you can see below, did not succeed in it's pompomness, but did work quite well as a hair piece...
...and barf simulator.
...then we made even more pom poms and decided to go play with them in the snow...
...yes, we are nerds. yes, it was 20 degrees outside. and yes, our fingers painfully defrosted by the radiator afterwards. but HELL YES it was worth it!!! we haven't had this much winter fun since that one snow day back in 2002....
nice photos! ;D
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my first hairstyle could also be called a pom-pompadour aahahahah
pom poms!!!!cutest post everrrr
barf simulator??? too funny
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