i was walking to pick up my lunch the other day at madeline's, a delicious feta-cauliflower quiche. i always walk down grant, past the rival (and superfluous) joe's and seven jeans stores, shreve, the prada store, agnes b., etc etc. i was wearing who knows what, some bedazzled gypsy headscarf and an oversized 90s dkny trench, and i could see an fashionable older lady with a wild hat on, in all black and bright red lipstick, approaching with the foot-traffic flow in the opposite direction. we were both walking fast, she delivering something to a shop down the road, i just trying to grab my food, and the was an obvious moment of observing each other's outfits, then she smiled, i smiled and nodded, and we continued on our missions.
there was no pause, no stopping, it was a perfect, fluid movement and interaction that caused me great joy! in that split second of sidewalk, i felt like i was inducted into some kind of secret society of people that dress well. i felt as if that smile was a mutual understanding of style, fashion, individuality, as if this woman saw something in me that she had in herself since she first stepped out of the boundaries of fashion.
anyways, enough sappy hoodoovoodoo bullshit. the lady was awesome and it made me realize how much i love older people. especially older people with style!
check out
advanced style for snazzy octogenarians (or younger!)